I don't know how people didn't know that there was a significant chance for some bad winter weather (Ok�.bad winter weather for the South laugh ) on the way. I guess it could happen if you just don't follow the news at all, but it is hard to imagine that someone that you would run into wouldn't ask if you were ready for the ice & snow. The women knew and passed the word, because it was a great reason for them to do some mega shopping! And they almost never shop alone! People had to know it was coming.

I did all the usual things I do if I expect to be stuck at the house and the power to be off for several days. I got some firewood from the farm, checked my propane tanks, got mantels for the lanterns, bought some fresh batteries, got two or three good books, filled three or four five gallon cans with gas for the generator and found a bucket so we could flush the toilet with pool water. My wife made a huge pot of the best soup I have had in a long time, as well as a big pot of chile and picked up some stuff that would be easy to cook on the grill. We could have taken in another family and done fine. So could most of my neighbors and friends.

We were ready, but we missed the ice storm that shut down Atlanta. Didn't miss a day of work, no ice on the roads and the tires on my FJ haven't spun since I got stuck in the mud last summer. The worst part was I probably put back on the 5 pounds I've lost since Christmas.

The only bridge I see on the way to the shop, has sand on it since it might get slick. Putting out sand is about all the county can do and I hope that they don't go out and buy a bunch of snow plows and salt spreaders. It would be a huge waste of money. We can deal with the little snow & ice we get every 4 or 5 years. It is kind of like out west where they don't use bridges. They just pave the road down in to the dry wash and put a sign up telling people not to enter if it is full of water. If the wash only only fills rarely, the sign is cheaper and people will just have to figure out another way around it. We have signs on the bridges saying that they may ice before the road�.Problem dealt with. I don't expect any more out of the county government.

People that live in the city of Atlanta may see it a little different, but that is their problem, not mine.
