
Been floggin' on Fixed [bleep] daily,for every R&R...since procurement. Haven't been able to shake a zero loose,nor make one not repeat and them is good thangs in my book. 5000rds+ of centerfire all told.

No Fixed [bleep] pictured and I'm thinkin' you's got Gold Dust cornfuzed with Goose Poop. Gold Dust is a 100% OEM Montucky,wearing a 6x42 and of course flings 162's. Goose Poop was a 8mm Whizzum when it left the Factory and was rebarreled wearing a PN S/S S/M 1-9" of like length/contour. It wears a 6x Fixed [bleep] and is quickly becoming Famous,rekindling Montucky 7 Whizzum Lust and selling the schit outta Fixed [bleep] to boot.

Gold Dust was my 1st Montucky 7 Whizzum(I've got 3 currently) and Sister swiped it,at a tender age. She's slammed 43" of Booner Skull and 15' of squared hide with it,in two pokes.

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I reckon she'll be Sporting it again,here directly and I just might gun 'Poop.

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Only have 7 Fixed [bleep] currently and reckon I'll score a couple/few more,if only in the interest of R&D.

Film at 11:00.(grin)


I do very much enjoy The Paper Hat Brigade and their Day Dreaming Do Nothing Dumbfhukkery,especially when they get to flexin' their Imagination and Pretend. Funny how when it's all said an done,there's been a whole [bleep] of a lot more said...than done. Not that I'd wish to slight anyone their Imagination or Pretend. Laffin'!

In fairness,I ain't much fun to try and keep pace with.

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Just sayin'.




Fight the good fight!(grin)


It ain't ever been tough to cypher who shoots more than a smidge.(grin)

Though in fairness,Imagination and Pretend are all that many folks got.

Bless their hearts.