Greg- I was actually on top of a ridge when I took that photo. Climbed up an old burn to look into the next canyon and north slope. Luckily the north face was mostly burned so the manzanitas were smaller.

BW. The plant in the photo is a manzanita bush- they are typically fire re-growth plants between 4500'-6000'. Above that and you start seeing locust. There are places where is a solid field of manzanitas for several miles. It is basically impenetrable. I can bust through a little to get past a bad area and that is what usually rips the covers off. I often have the rifle in my hand because it sticks up to far to even get through the tunnels in the brush otherwise.

Here is the backside of that bush

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All that to get here!

[Linked Image]

I will shoot that Ascent next week- maybe (they've closed our forests) and see how it does. Spent $900 today at Bruno's on bullets and powder- gotta stay away from there!

NRA Benefactor Member

Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.