Not much of a story I suppose but very spooky to me. Walked up a mountain in NY on a day deer hunt noting landmarks as I went. No luck. The sun was low and it was time to walk back to the car and started following the landmarks back. About 100 yards into it I had this almost overwhelming urge that I was going the wrong way. I mean a really, REALLY strong feeling I should be going that-a-way. The landmarks no longer looked quite right in the fading light. Forced myself to follow them anyway and ended up back at the car. Nothing looked right until I got within a couple hundred yards of the car and then I wasn't convinced until I spotted it.

Never had anything remotely like that happen before or since. Now I understand how people who don't know what they are doing, and some that do, get lost.

The key elements in human thinking are not numbers but labels of fuzzy sets. -- L. Zadeh

Which explains a lot.