Nov. 2010, the wife and I were heading to town here in north Idaho. We have about 15 miles of gravel over a mountain pass to get to the highway.

It was late afternoon and the light was sketchy..... a whiteout had just hit as we crested the pass and headed down out of the heavy firs and into more farm country. I saw a massive 6x6 whitetail out of the corner of my eye, but couldn't avoid hitting the old buck with my Toyota tundra. The impact was fierce for a deer.

I pulled over to check on the animal and truck and when I went back to examine the large buck, it charged me and pinned me to the ground when I slipped in the deepening snow. I was in dress shoes, dress shirt with a sport coat!
He was bleeding out the mouth but still meant to gore me to death.... I managed to grab his large rack, but i realized that even at 6'5" 230, breaking his neck with brute strength wasn't going to happen. The thing was huge and going all out on adrenalin.
Once or twice I tried to get up and just get away but the damn thing would full on charge me again. Finally we ended up in the ditch on the side of the road literally wrapped in old, loose barbed wire and I managed to grab my leather man 'juice' out of my pocket.
I managed to cut his throat with the pathetic two inch blade, with that massive neck it was ridiculous. The buck finally expired.

We had weak cell service, but I called our local f&g guy, a decent bloke, and I explained to him exactly what happened and what should I do with the animal. He asked if I had a valid buck tag, I said "yes", he said "congratulations, tag the animal if you'd like to take it; enjoy the venison, I hope your truck fixes up".
So, I tagged the beast, got him in the bed of the truck, called a neighbor who towed us home.
$6500 damage, numerous cuts, bruises and scrapes all over my body--many from that damned rusty barbed wire--and a 230lb whitetail.

He clearly would have died from the impact, it was obvious when skinning, but it still amazes me the strength and determination of that crazy deer.
The big rack hangs on the makes for quite the story.