Only ever had one time I felt scared. I was watching a powerline in rifle season when I saw another hunter cross the powerline and head further back in the mountain. The whole time he crossed, he just stared at me. I thought maybe he knew me or something so I waived. He kept walking. Didnt think anything of it.

About 45 minutes later, he pops around a small bend above me and starts walking down the powerline. I noticed he had his chest kinda puffed up and holding his rifle with both hands instead of slung over his shoulder.

He was getting closer and I could hear him grumbling "f in cock suckers, sob'in mother fers" and hes again staring at me. I took the safety off my Abolt at that point and slid more against the tree with my right side, which really sucked cause it limited me ability to react quickly but it was my only way to protect the majority of my body as quick as I could.

He walked toward me and I pointed me gun at the ground but in his general direction. He yelled out "F you, its a whole skew of you mother fers back here" and shot me the finger. He kept goin down the mountain but would turn around every few feet.

What scared me the most was he was heading out the traul I came in on and where I was parked. I knew my dad was already at my vehicle and figured as pissed as this guybwas who knew what he'd do if he ran into my old man. So as soon as he turned into the woods trail I hauled ass through the woods parralelling him. I beat him out to the next powerline and could watch him getting closer to my vehicle, where dad was sitting.

Im not ashamed to say I had that sob in my scope the whole time he walked near dad. When he walked by i could see his lips move and he gave dad the finger, and I saw dad give him the finger back. Thank God he kept on movin cause it wouldnt have taken much to pull the trigger to protect my dad. Never had that happen before and hope I never run into someone like that again.