It's a Queen #74 Rabbit Hunter, in the old white carved stag bone, D2. Thin bladed and extremely sharp! The blade's a tad long though. About like a trapper folder, not too bad really. I used it to make the initial slit through the tail where it joins the body and then the Kershaw shears for the rest, seemed to work very well. I can't decide whether I like the Kershaw or Outdoor Edge shears best, they're very differently shaped and constructed, but both seem fine, with maybe both being a little bit too long bladed, not enough leverage to snip through the tailbone with the blade tips. The bone notches work well on both pairs, and the blades of each seem to work well slipping beneath the leg skin to make the flap for pulling off the hide and then snipping through the body cavity from neck to anus without cutting the guts.