Originally Posted by AJ300MAG
IF and a big IF that happened EXACTLY like you stated, it's likely that it happened just because you acted like an aroggant azz hole

When did becoming an arrogant azz hole become against the law?

It's just the same old mantra....... Be respectful to the cop and he will be respectful to you.... .

Like they are all cloned. A hell of a lot more than the "ten percent" figure they throw around are really screwed up individuals.

Who in hell takes a job where you are required to butt in someone's business where you have no dog in the fight?

I have some friends in Law Enforcement, but it's obvious to me, and our mutual friends, that they think differently from the rest of us. The idea of "live and let live" is a foreign concept.

Those DUI checkpoints don't run themselves.

As long as the Government can find people willing to mistreat their fellow citizens for wages that don't really amount to much, we will be mistreated.

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place