Originally Posted by eyeball
He tells the Truth. Bold assertion with no evidence. Heck I don't even see sufficient evidence that he exists.

He gives us life. Another assertion without evidence.

You have been blessed. (By God?). Again assertion without evidence.

You can follow the flesh or Him. False dilemma. There are thousands of gods and philosophies.

He gave you freedom. Wrong. By your reckoning, God made me, he made me it a way that I cannot believe, he is all knowing so he KNEW he was making me in such a way, so the choice was his, not mine.

Choose His or your kingdom. False dichotomy. There are thousands of gods and religions and philosophies, therefore thousands of choices.

If your life isn't a miracle and a blessing worth living, why didn't you do away with it years ago? My life, on this earth has value to me. In addition, it's the only life I know that I will have. It's interesting how quick you are to devalue the lives of others, and how little value you place upon your life on this earth. So perhaps you are looking at that backwards. If you place more value on the next life, then you do on this life, why aren't you trying to hasten you journey to that better life?

He gave you s blessing. Again, with the assertions without evidence.

and still you quibble about it. I search for the truth in all matters. I seek to believe as many things that are true, and disbelieve as many things that are false as possible.

What have you given Him, except grief. I've given him a full consideration of the evidence, and he's failed his burned of proof. It would be irrational to give anything to an falsehood.

You think you are so great. I've made no claim to greatness, just an attempt to be intellectually honest.

He should put up with your stinking sin in His presence? This statement presupposes the existence of God, which you have not established with evidence, and makes the rest of your example irrelevant.

As you can see, when we take the time to dissect you long diatribe, it's nothing more then a long series of logical fallacies. It's interesting to me how it appears you were able to complete your medical training without a course in logic.

You didn't use logic or reason to get into this opinion, I cannot use logic or reason to get you out of it.

You cannot over estimate the unimportance of nearly everything. John Maxwell