Originally Posted by curdog4570
...A person who has never allowed themselves to believe in the possibility of a universe with no God, or, more specifically, allowed themselves to visit the possibility that Jesus Christ is NOT the personification of God may not have the conviction necessary to overcome a real trial of faith.
I believe EVERY person must come to some sort of understanding - AS AN ADULT - with the God that made him if he is to enjoy all that life has to offer.
An Atheist may be reasonably content, but he will never experience that "Peace which passes all understanding" until, or unless,he comes to terms with his Creator.
Of course, you can't miss what you never had. [editorial "you"]
Those Christians who view their relationship with Christ as a way to avoid Hell are in the same boat as the Atheist as far as that "Peace" is concerned.

Excellent post, Gene!

I am sitting about eight feet from a person who has that "Peace which passes all understanding". My Mom. She is battling liver cancer right now and is an inspiration to all who meet her.
Her faith is something to behold.

It is unfortunate that so many people will not open their minds to accept even the possibility that God is not only real, but DOES have personal relationships with us.


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