"You want me sitting next to her in the pews pointing out all the preachers B.S and the parts of the Bible they like to skip?"

Actually........ that's MY job. grin

Naw..... I'll tell her like I told her Daddy at that age..... Just assume that Jesus loves you and keep your mind open where God is concerned.

As you grow, you will go back and forth in your thinking, but keep your mind open to the possibility that God exists.

Any God worth having can convince you of His existence, and once that happens, nothing, or no one, can take that conviction away. He will close your mind on the subject forever after.

But He can't/won't operate against a willfully closed mind.

Yep..... That's exactly what I'll tell her.

Once she asks me about it.

Never holler whoa or look back in a tight place