Originally Posted by Rancho_Loco
Originally Posted by Seafire
This is amazing....

so many of you guys act like you hate Safariman...

Then at the same time, anything about him goes on for pages...

Do you really love him,
Love to bitch about him..
or Have Nothing Better to do?

Not taking sides either way... just pointing out, there are a batch of people that really evidently love to flog a dead horse...

or for those that have ever been part of a 12 step program of any type, maybe ought to pass on the concept of taking other people's inventory.... where they point out when you point the accusational finger at someone else, remember your hand has three fingers pointing back at you...

I'd assume most of you boys are a little better than this.. not all of ya, but most of ya...

and as was pointed out a long time ago... its a small core that seem to not be able to let this stuff, or let go of bitching about Safariman or his wife for that matter...

make whatever assumptions ya want folks... it ain't aimed at all of you.. but enough of you...


yeah it is "classic" Rauncho Bozo....

you actually were the Dweeb at the top of the list....

You live for this crap, as your personal life must be that pathetic....you couldn't say anything positive about anyone else if someone held a shotgun to your nose...

but party on Butthead.... no one can do a better job of making an ass out of you, than yourself..