Originally Posted by Sycamore

I'm not sure who you are replying to, it says Partsman in your message. I'm not sure it matters either.

Would you agree that keeping new people from being snookered is a laudable goal?

Can you see the difference between banging on SM for any new posts, and banging on SM for 4 year old posts?

Do you understand that some people on here can't even distinguish the two types of posts?

Are you against fooling people on here, or only against fooling people by someone you no longer like?


what have the others taken away? you say self esteem but if you think anyone controls that but yourself your a fool, hence the 'self' in self esteem.....splattermattic brought up his stock but im pretty sure ive seen someone bring that up fairly recently other than him in a thread SD posted on so not like thats been forgotten either....

and if people cant look real quick to see what the date on a post is i cant help them....old posts get brought to the top all the time......if its that big of a deal than people have bigger problems than can be helped with on here....

A serious student of the "Armchair Safari" always looking for Africa/Asia hunting books