I took the time to get your crap and took good care of it giving it a priority to keep it dry against bad weather, take it 1400 miles across the country.. spent $200 plus out of my pocket in fuel getting it there....

did you see me demand any reimbursement for that?

, telling people you were broke...but you were busy running around the globe....

so you just evidently assumed it was beamed to where it was, by The USS Enterprise...

did you ever even extend a thank you, much less made a "how do I owe ya for that?".... NOPE... If ya had, I'd probably have said don't worry about it, since you are fellow campfire member....

so my point, as you call ME the dumbasss, is that your stuff got guarded and transported from Pt Townsend WA to Quemado NM, and it didn't cost you a dime and you didn't even offer to contribute much less say even a Thank You.... but to criticize SafariMan for Using People... well, maybe he deserves it, but you definitely are being a friggin hypocrite calling the kettle black....

This after you lived off of Scott F's good graces for 6 weeks, and then just take off to Australia and leave all your junk behind to be taken care of...

yeah, saying anything about that, once you get hypocritical about someone else.... yeah it pisses me off...