Originally Posted by Kenneth
Originally Posted by Kenneth
Originally Posted by splattermatic
Trueful from my side.
I sent you a stock and cartridge trap to work on.
Barrel blank as payment.
You returned said blank.
I had asked for stock and trap returned.
You stated you would when you felt like it or some sort of verbage.
You have not.
You did not complete the work, nor have returned my prparty, , nor admitted to any damage(if any), nor compensated me for any loss.

There is no other story, or side to it.
You have not returned my property.
End of story....

Now. Your side as to why? ??
Ball is in your court, thief.

Sitka, it's possible splatter is full of it,

but after what, 5 years?, you still have the property he demanded back....

feel free to share details, because at this point in time, you're looking pretty damn bad.

Just seems to be that kind of day here.....

Yup, another internet warrior with less than half the facts making noise about something he is clueless about. Congrats.

Mark Begich, Joaquin Jackson, and Heller resistance... Three huge reasons to worry about the NRA.