Originally Posted by Big Stick
This schit cracks me up! Get a Dumbfhuqk asking a STUPID question,fabricate Delusions to pad the inherent Stupidity of same and then feign a fhuqking clue. Hilarious!

rcarr (OP) don't worry, he talks about everybody that way (except for a couple on the forum who really suck up to him big time). It's not a personal attack on you. You just asked, in an unsuspecting manner, the opinions of others. That is a green light for Big Stick to call you names and treat you like an idiot. The rest of us don't consider you stupid for asking the opinion of others.

By the way, as anybody here will tell you, I'm not one of Big Stick's suck up sycophants; but, I would parrot his recommendation here. He may have been later to the Kimber Montana and SWFA SS user group than many of us; but, he likes them.

To Big Stick, I hope you are well little buddy.

“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.”
John Steinbeck