
I was simply confirming your confirmation,so Window Lickers wouldn't have to "think" too hard.(grin)

Mighta been reaffirmation as well,to frost THE Stupidity Cake for 'Raider's Whining Dumbfhuqktitude,because she took hilarity to new fhuqking levels by Whining:

"True enough, but he could get a T3 in 7-08, put a 3-9 Conquest/Cabelas instinct/Doug's CL Meopta 3.5-10 and be under $1500 easily. Nothing mentioned will outshoot one anyway plastic and all. No offense to the Kimber guys but it would be near the bottom of my list."

She really "knows" rifles,boolits,mounts and glass.

Bless her heart.


ONLY a fence hoppin' Texan,would welcome soooooooooooo fhuqking many concessions and harbor enough Imagination and Pretend to concoct the Delusion that they was "advantages". The only thing she "shoots",is her mouth and Imagination.

That poor poor AMAZINGLY Stupid Fhuqk,I just hope that she don't yet again "forget" about her Imaginary Pretend Ignore. Funnier than fhuqk,that besides being a Clueless Kchunt,she is also a Lying Piece Of Fhuqking Schit.

What were the "odds"?!?


Gotta love the inherent humor of grandiose oblivious Dumdfhuqktitude,by "hard chargers" doing their best. Ask her for pics,it's funnier than fhuqk!

Wow +P+!..................

Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."