Originally Posted by AcesNeights
The worst bite was a horse I used to ride a lot. I was feeding him apples or carrots or something like I often did and the SOB bit me on my stomach. It didn’t break the skin surprisingly but did leave a big bruise and hurt like hell for a half a day but I got back in the saddle and we forgave each other even though I’m still not sure what transgression caused him to bite me. I guess even horses have bad days once in awhile. 😉

I use to tell people that feeding a horse from your hand is teaching them to bite you. I don't remember anyone who listened.

I've been bite by 2 dogs and had a lemon shark graze me with an open mouth.

Be Polite , Be Professional , but have a plan to kill everybody you meet
-General James Mattis United States Marine Corps

Nothing is darker than a mau mau's moo moo.