Friend had a horse that would slowly sneak around behind a person and grab hold of the back of their arm (back side of bicep) and that meant you could not land a blow on him to make him stop.
The owner could make him turn loose. IF the owner was not around and you let him get in position he held on til he tired of the game . . . Need less to say you tired of it much quicker than he did.
Two dogs that both produced bleeding wounds (both were German Shepard's)
Various snakes, mice, rats, and bats.
One raccoon ( a pet)
Ducks, geese, various fish
2 different spiders, neither real bad, though one kinda got to me.
One of the most irritating was a cotton rat (Sigmadon(?) h.) that bit my finger through the wire of his cage.
His teeth came out around a wire and through my finger essentially pinning me to the cage . . .
LIl bugger would not let go
Finally got someone to go get a screwdriver and I pried his mouth open to get loose.

Tick that gave me a big ol bullseye on my leg. Luckily we shot with a physician and he called in a prescription for me

Last edited by LouisB; 02/20/18.

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