
I've ZERO doubt,that you are enthralled with the pending 264 Whining Sniveler's STUPID Magnum. Congratulations?!?

Pardon the inherent sanctity of GOOD brass and hell who knows...maybe someday even you will get to see a piece and perhaps even touch one,with your very own trembling fingers? Nawww,that ain't gonna happen,you "lucky" kchunt! Laughing!

Now you can say,you've "seen" Alpha and a Barrett. BIG day for you! Laughing!

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Sensory overload...though in fairness,they is "only" the second best Killing Rifle ever offered over the counter.

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THE Title goes to the Montucky 7 Whizzum and grandeur is ascending ala 162 'Max,162 ELD M and 180 ELD M. Hint. I only have (3) of them and now you can say that you've "seen" one too. BONUS Round for you. Laughing! Cheer up..more of the LW's puked and now it's DD's across the board on 8400's(Google it). Supersonic to 2000yds+ do not suck.Hint. Laughing!

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You'd do MUCH better,if you simply paid attention,but I realize you are devoid the "means","abilities" and "comprehension" to do so. Not tough to connect dots ala DBM and binderless mags,with a ShamWow simply stomping a Whining Sniveler's STUPID Magnum. Now you can say you've "seen" a Seven DBM too,if someone will point out which it is. BANNER day for you! Hint. LAUGHING!

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As an aside,be sure to cite the High Zoot projectile in "your" 7 Whizzum there,if only to obliviously quantify your INCREDIBLE Fhuqking Stupidity,even more. Hint.

Bless your heart.

Here's to the HILARITY of you doing your BEST.

Wow +P+!



HILARIOUSLY,it don't take much more than a swath of tape and some color,to swoon Estrogen Levels in them that "do" the least.Now you FINALLY get to answer sumptin' in the first hand,as you expound upon same. Congratulations?!?

Never been tough to cypher,who shooots and who don't. Hint.

Bless your heart.



I remain VERY "surprised",that you refrain 6AI Goat Fhuqk particulars and instead copiously frost your Insecurities,by citing all the stuff I've got/shot...that you've never seen. Plum flattering,to have fans ridin' the pine fluttering pom-pom's,on the outside lookin' in....just TRYING to talk "game". Pardon my being afforded the luxury,of not being forced to guess,while a guess is the "best" you'll ever muster. Hint. Congratulations?!?

I'm rather at ease in the discussion of any/all boolits in particular,along with RPM,COAL and throat geometry. At least you Day Dreaming DUMB Fhuqks can read my every word and gawk my every Splendid Pixel,sooooooooo please continue with your Drooling Delusions by trying to "convince" yourself,that you do not. Hint. Laughing!

What were the "odds",that besides "living" in the wrong place,you have the wrong "vocation" too and swoon what other's do...when forced to reflect on your "hard charging" ways? If only your couch had an hour meter and your rifles a spent primer counter,to concisely connect them dots. Ain't it a fhuqking hoot,that your Wildest DREAMS are blasse' to me and wayyyyyyyy below the radar? I really don't have THAT many pards with planes,to have declined same,because I've better schit to do. Hint. Laughing!

Bless your heart.



Like YOU "have" "$100" to "give"?!? Congratulations?!?

You'll just haveta' pardon my having a brace(that means "two) 264Win's,no sooner than 30yrs ago. You know...the 700's wearing S/S blackened spouts(had 'em in 7mm Remmie and 300Winny too). Ooopsie! you do NOT "know". Hint. Laughing!

Now if only because boolits matter more than headstamps,you will haveta' pardon that even someone as Great as I,simply cain't shoot the wares that have yet to be Invented. Hint. Boogers have yet to show me anything,Sugars too are a joke,though Skinners have long been ruggedly reliable,they've nuttin' in 6.5 that swoons to 7mm magnitude. JLK's are a touch zooky and oft a logistics bitch,so I wouldn't(haven't) built around 'em and still would not. The Hornie 147 ELD connects the most dots by far and once unveiled,the 6.5's rated a thunk. 'Course a 7mm 180 ELD crushes 'em,but the 147 was a nice leap in both aeroform and terminal affects,as well as Accuracy/Precision. Re-hint.

No need to apologize for your perpetual DUMBfhuqktitude,it's the only "move" you've got,to be Clueless and "lucky" kchunt.

Bless your heart.



I can only speak to a single specimen of said glass and lotsa folks that shoot a smidge,say good thangs about it. I've not seen it and will really run it through paces on the next pass,by shooting some Tall 100yd Paper,inputting both ele and windage,to see WTF.

Would LOVE to have it connect dots and thread needles,after "break in"...but glass don't work that way.(grin)

I heartly concur on the humor,though trouble is,most of it sails over the pointy heads.(grin)

Never been tough cypher,who shoots and who don't...if only to the chagrin of Window Lickers everywhere.



If Fence Hopping Haybale & Crockett "pursuits" horned me up,I'd do so daily. Them that "do" the LEAST,are always the first to cite "weather"...which never ain't not fhuqking hilarious. Congratulations?!?

I shoot more than a few chamberings and more than a few boolits...and got sumptin' in the Mail once too. Hell,I even got wet once.

Flatlanding Fence Hoppers crack me the fhuqk up,trying to "justify" same.

Bless your heart.



"Weather" keeps the riff-raff out. Everything is "bigger" in Texas...especially the Whining Insecurities.

Bless their hearts.



You are fhuqking MEAN! You KNOW Fredrica has never even seen a 6BR and you tease her so?!?

I'm rather comfy in the sanctity of the exceedingly amazing quality of Lapooey BR brass and Alpha Kreedmire brass...amongst a host of others,none of which is or can be a Whining Sniveler's STUPID Magnum.

Mechanics tend to matter,right along with RPM,throating and COAL latitude.

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Seen it.(grin)



The reason the schit is fhuqking FUNNY,is for reasons that escape you...which only ADDS to the fhuqking humor. Congratulations?!?

Bless your heart.



Your CLUELESSNESS,is only a "surprise" to you. Congratulations?!?

Bless your heart.



Telling'er than fhuqk,but beyond your "means","abilities" or "comprehension" to savvy. Congratulations?!?

Bless your heart.



You suck a mean ass. Congratulations?!?

Bless your heart.



Here's to the Sweet "Satisfactions' that are your's,for being "able" too Google enough to plagiarize "lucky" kchunt. Congratulations?!?

Don't yet again "forget" that you "can't read this" and reiterate perpetually,that besides being a CLUELESS Fhuqk,that you are also a Lying Piece Of fhuqking Schit. Hint. LKaughing!

Bless your heart.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."