
In fairness...I've only got (3) 25-284's,so you'll haveta' cite the one which horns you up the most and fixates the greatest portion of your day(s). Hint. Congratulations?!?

GREAT time to wax eloquent on the "rewarding" experience,of having nothin' in the firsthand of your own,which rates conversation...you "lucky" kchunt. Laughing!

Pardon the actuality,of my having to schedule folks eager to come Cast & Blast,as you set on your Couchbound Kchunt and crane your neck on the outside,TRYING to look in. At least you "get" to read my every word and gawk my every Splendid Pixel,as you frantically search for a First Fhuqking Clue,which will simply never transpire. Your Man Crush is MAGNIFICENT and who the fhuqk could blame you,for trying to somehow get in the loop,if only because it is the only "move" you've "got"? Hint. laughing!

Your Drooling Dumbfhuqkery and copious Insecurities,never disappoint in their Oblivious Humor Quotient. Looking forward to your next whine and fresh Excuses...if only because I find the high pitched nasal decibels soothin'. Google it.Hint. laughing!

Bless your heart.



There ain't no need to corroborate yet again,that besides being a CLUELESS Fhuqk,that you are also a Lying Piece Of Fhuqking Schit. I did rather enjoy,your Delusion of Sometimes Maybe Always Imaginary Pretend Ignore,as lie after lie emits your quivering lips and "lashes out" ala trembling finger to keyboard. Congratulations?!?

Your Delusional Dumbfhuqktitude is rather fascinating,in that you could begin to "think" that anyone and especially I,could conjure any connection to your pinched pics,other than to your monthly Google Bill. I've zero doubt,that you've got to mine the depths of the Internet,to satiate your woes with pilfered pics,to get your "fix"...you "lucky" kchunt. If it helps you justify the affliction,be sure to include yourself in a group of other's,as devoid as yourself and mebbe cite The "We" Clause,for further "justification". Hint. Laughing!

Only you,can prevent YOU from saying something fhuqking STUPID and it is fhuqking HILARIOUS,that you simply can not!

Pardon my innate ability,to gather Splendid Pixels as per whim in the REAL Outdoors,as you must set side saddle upon your couchbound kchunt and use your Imagination and Pretend,to try and "convince" yourself,that you are "Ignoring" same. Fhuqking HILARIOUS! Do not "forget",that you reserve the right to find me "mistaken:" and rst assured,it'll be funnier than fhuqk if you try. I'm rather at ease in rubbing your nose in your own Stupidity and do not "forget" that you "can't read this" either. Hint. LAUGHING!

Groovin' on your surging Estrogen Levels,you poor poor Drooling Dumbfhuqk. As an aside,do not "forget" that Imitation is THE most Sincere form of Flattery...so you just might wanna reel in your punctuation. LAUGHING!

Bless your heart.



Pardon my shooting more than a smidge of ShamWow and that unsettlin' your tender Feelers. I'm simply afforded the luxury,of not being forced to guess,if only to your chagrin. Hint. Congratulations?!?

I'm not in da' bidness of condoning STUPIDITY and Goat Fhuqks ain't my gig. No closer than your elevator approaches the top,I've zero fhuqking doubt you are giddy at the prospect,of being in such a hurry to go backwards...which must be VERY "fulfilling" for someone who "does" as much you. While you are fiddle fhuqking around,trying to make wheels square,I'll be laughing at how hard you TRY and just can't ever turn a lick. One thing is for certain about your Drooling Dumbfhuqks and that is when it's all said and done,there will have been a fhuqk of a LOT more said...than done. Hint. Laughing!

Feel free to start with the "particulars" of your 3.340" 7 Whizzum and mebbe say sumptin' about throating and COAL. Then mebbe muse mounting systems,glass and the like. Pics would be funnier than fhuqk too! Dare ya'. Conjoin that HILARITY,with your version of a Bear and feel free to extrapolate,how your Whining Sniveler's STUPID Magnum "transforms" Dinks,into sumptin they are NOT. Hint. Laughing!

One day,I hope to see a Bear. At least you "get" to use your Imagination and Pretend,to try and "convince" yourself,that you "could too"...you "lucky" kchunt. Hint. Laughing!

Hell...I'd be tickled to see one,in any color. Don't be afeared to plagiarize as you must and say they are "your" images. Hint. Laughing!

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Oh my how The Paper Hat Brigade is on FIRE,with their Man Crush Delusions. Hint.

Bless your heart.



There is no "code" in Texas,as Texans reliably swoon things beneath the dignity of most. Congratulations?!?

Great time to wax eloquent upon the Sweet "Satisfactions",of being all hat...and no Ranch.

Bless your heart.



I've seen me be more than a touch good,for more than a few Makers,with something as simplistic as a passing critique. I get it,that you don't get it...mainly because you CAN'T get it and do not "think",them constants ain't fhuqking HILARIOUS. The poignant profundity of my simply giving something a green light,most assuredly bolsters Sales. Hint. Congratulations?!?

Weren't my intent to horn you up,but you Flat Landing Fence Hopping Man Crushing "Hard Chargers",certainly do burn the greatest portion of your "Life",extolling your well founded homoerotic fantasies...you "lucky" kchunts. Hint. Laughing!

Purty high zoot "photography" there,feel free to expound upon the "camera" used. Is it an empty half rack,you converted to a pinhole camera? Laughing!

BIG day for you,because now you can say you've "seen" a camera. Hint. Laughing!

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Don't let the cat get your tongue,nor the couch your kchunt. Ooopsie!...too late.

Cow hopped the fence the other day,it was TRAGIC.


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Bless your heart.



It never don't not crack me the fhuqk up,that you tirelessly extoll obliviously,that the Texas version of EVERYTHING,is funnier than fhuqk. Congratulations?!?

Proficiency cain't be purchased and it's a GREAT time to corroborate that,by citing the equipment you used to miss focus soooooooo very fhuqking reliably. Don't "forget" particulars,because it'll only add to the HILARITY. Hint. Laughing!

You'll wanna give DOF a thunk,just the same as shutter speed,don't be afeared to capture some action and it never hurts to add colors. Then for Fence Hoppin' Flat Landing CLUELESS Fhuqks,ask "how many Bears in the frame?". Hint. Laughing!

Now you can say you've "seen" a Sage 290,amongst the other Splendors in the frame. Google it. Hint. Laughing!

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Be SURE to include more of your version of "Photography",because THAT schit is fhuqking FUNNY! Hint.

Bless your heart.



You are fhuqking MEAN,baiting hooks in sucha' manner,if only because you KNOW them Drooling Dumbfhuqks are doing their absolute BEST on the shutter. Congratulations?!?

Hopin' your ploy works,because it truly is fhuqking HILARIOUS.

Bless your heart.



Did yet another Texan "forget" about her Imaginary Pretend Ignore? Don't "forget",that you "can't read this" and yet again corroborate that besides being a CLUELESS Fhuqk,that you are also a Lying Piece Of Fhuqking Schit. Congratulations?!?

Here's to your AMAZINGLY Low "Standards" and they "fulfill" your Dismal Dumbfhuqkery. Hint.

Bless your heart.



Crop of schit...you fhuqkers are MEAN! Congratulations?!?

Bless your heart.



The only thing you are going to "do",is the ONLY thing you can "do" and that is to set on your kchunt,Whine and make Excuses. In no particular fhuqking order. Hint. Congratulations?!?

You CLUELESS Fhuqks are a RIOT!

Bless your heart.



If someone spun you in a circle within a phone booth,you'd have to call for directions on how to get out. Congratulations?!?

Bless your heart.


Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."