The problem isn't Wilderness, it is Wilderness advocates. It seems that they can't get enough and want to force that upon everybody. Wilderness has preserved public land from roads and improvements that are claimed to be better for the environment, people and users. Wilderness does exclude a lot of people incapable of heavy packs and long hikes. I have no issue with that, those places are already preserved by Wilderness allotment.

What really stinks, is how much land is tied up that isn't Wilderness by being called a "study" area, which virtually makes it Wilderness. When is enough really enough. People that want Wilderness can go there and anywhere else they choose, but the reverse is not true and so much public land is inaccessible by the public.

Originally Posted by RJY66

I was thinking the other day how much I used to hate Bill Clinton. He was freaking George Washington compared to what they are now.