Originally Posted by HitnRun

The points of the BHA and followers are all selfish and self serving......

Not so. As I said above, I'm at the age where I'll only be able to do backpack hunts for a few more years. And when I'm no longer able to do them, I'll still support preservation of wilderness areas so that others who want to get away from motorized vehicles can.

I also support the use of wilderness by people on horseback, and I don't ride horses. I support the use of wilderness by climbers, and I don't climb.

None of that can be called self-serving.

If you want to open up all wilderness, then everyone who values solitude in the backcountry (and there are lots of different user groups) will be denied. And you will be in effect ending backpack hunting because there won't be anywhere worth hiking into to hunt.

Even though the vast majority of public lands are open to vehicular travel, you would take the small fraction that isn't and deny all of those user groups. Yet it's "the other side" that's self-serving. Your argument doesn't hold water.

A wise man is frequently humbled.