Originally Posted by BuzzH

Originally Posted by SBTCO

Lots of assuming going in that article. Can't speak for the other states, but here in Montana, if fed lands were transferred to the state, those lands would remain public land as part of the public land trust, as required by the state constitution.

It appears many think that if a transfer to states occurred, the lands would be sold off to the highest bidder per the article claiming many states aren't financially able to manage an increase in acreage if a transfer happened and would sell to cover expenses, yet our fed guv is running a $21 trillion+ red gash through the books. What would prevent the feds from doing the same thing, ie. selling off land to cover the debt?

Wrong, Montana has sold off some of its State Lands. It wasn't that long ago that you couldn't hunt State Land in Montana without permission of the leasee, and it was a hell of a fight from the hook and bullet crowd that changed the law.

As to what would stop the "feds" from selling public land to cover the debt?...How about 320 million pissed off public land owners, for a start.

Wrong? Tell us what public land trust land was sold off? Are you referring to land swaps where the state gets equal or larger acreage/value land in return for trading state land to the private party? Are you aware of Montana code where it states trust lands must be kept "In perpetuity"?

Who were the "leasee" 's requiring permission from the potential hook and bullet crowd? Do you mean leasee's like our local gun clubs here in the Flathead who lease trust land from the state? The feds put restrictions on leased fed lands as well and can close off whole swaths of public land for "study purposes", mining claims, logging operations etc. etc.

The "pissed off public land owners" scenario works the same way at the state level too, Buzz. Governors and state legislators are no more immune from the wrath of angry citizens than the fed counter parts and in many ways are more sensitive to the state issues because of proximity to state capitals compared to our fed capital in DC.

“Some ideas are so stupid that only intellectuals believe them.”
― G. Orwell

"Why can't men kill big game with the same cartridges women and kids use?"
_Eileen Clarke

"Unjust authority confers no obligation of obedience."
- Alexander Hamilton