Originally Posted by prm
Oddly enough, I like my SHV the most on my rather light 84M. Yes, the scope is heavy, but in that case the overall package remains pleasant to carry and it points really well. It’s when the rifle is a bit heavier to start and then the overall package becomes burdensome where I find the SHV less appealing. Still like it, but wish it were a bit lighter.

That's basically what JB was saying. Putting it on a light gun sorta balances out the total package.

This gun is 7#'s, even; the scope runs it into the mid 8's, but due to balance, it feels lighter than that.

It would be even lighter if the Mtn. Rifle McWoody was Edge rather than std. fill; I picked it up used here on the Classifieds, would have ordered Edge if buying it new. The irony: McM will no longer sell an Edge in McWoody. Because the black carbon Edge shell sometimes showed thru marble type finishes, they now only offer Edge in marble finishes with black backgrounds. Of course, the McWoody background color is brown.