If you’re not saving big bucks, then stick with Kubota or Deere. The “telescoping 3 point arms” are a help if you don’t use a quick hitch. If you back up a little off center to your equipment, you can telescope one or both of the arms to hook up. Once you get both arms hooked up, back up a hair, and the arms will lock back in place.

The Mahindras supposedly have a little more metal on them, but the fact is, NONE of these tractors are built like tractors were 50 plus years ago. Make sure you have some sort of covered parking, or the plastics/paint/etc will start going to pot in a hurry. Even if it’s just one of those cheap ready-made carports, cover the thing. Watch out for rodents, too. They can trash your wiring in no time.

The jd 2025 and Kubota 2601 are quite a bit lighter than the 3025 and 2510. Those first two are more like large garden tractors. You sure those will do the job???