Originally Posted by smokepole
Originally Posted by ElkSlayer91

Originally Posted by Gus
do humans have a significant impact?

Humans have zero impact.

I'd like to see your proof of that.

Above is Smokepole using Communist Saul Alinski's Rules for radicals:

#3 - "Whenever possible go outside the expertise of the enemy."
#4 - "Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules."
#8 - "Keep the pressure on."
#10 - "The major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure upon the opposition."
#13 - "Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it."

I want to point out to you American Patriots here, he is 100% incapable of debating facts, like all slimy communists. Notice how he DID NOT come back with any facts whatsoever to dispute my claim. The reason, he's been "groomed" to always put the oponent in the hot chair to prove everything said is correct, instead of actual debating with facts...reason being....like always, they have ZERO supportable facts to back their communist positions.

And as you people have seen above, he refused to acknowledge the lying statements by the communists that failed to come true, posted by Antelope Sniper, and used the same Communist Saul Alinski tactics, by throwing it all back into Antelope Sniper to "prove", instead of him "proving".

Your move Smokepole.

It's not up to me to educate you.

YOU...YOU post the FACTS to prove my statement wrong.

It's not up to me to prove it.

It's up to YOU to disprove it. That is how a debate works you slimy Al Gore lover.

Here's the HUGE hurdle you must crawl over to disprove me though:

There was a recent court decision that shot down a graph used as the basis of Al Gore's movie and the UN Climate committee. Professor Mann, climate professor at Penn State Univ., Mann's hockey stick graph, first published in 1998, was featured prominently in the U.N. IPCC 2001 climate report.

Mann's FRAUDULENT graph showed a spike in the 20th century after 500 years of stability, that many questioned and claimed was FRAUDULENT.

Not the Cornerstone, but the BEDROCK of global warming was STRUCK DOWN.

Mann HAS NEVER released his methodology or data as to support the numbers in his graph.

Al Gore REFUSES to debate the facts.

The two prominent con artists REFUSE to debate anyone, or produce the data to prove their position.

Your move cupcake...

Last edited by ElkSlayer91; 09/22/19.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)