Like the Chinese 100 year plan the Dems have their 100 year plan. Let anyone from anywhere into the USA so we can incorporate their eventual vote. Indoctrinate the young that CC is man made and climate can be controlled by politicians so we get their vote. Funny how in the discussion solar activity is left completely off the table i.e., flares, storms, variable temp changes due to earths varying orbits and speeds around the sun. Daily weather events are always mistaken as climate, weather analyzed over a significant time is climate. Realize that 70 million years ago T-Rex roamed an area in Alberta Canada where the fauna was sub tropical with climate similar to south Florida. C02 levels at times climbed close to 2,000 ppm. Today we’re alarmed at levels below 400 ppm, below 200 ppm and the planet will start to die off. Man made CC is the new hoax used to control population and of course energy use by taxation. It is a 21st century Marxist strategy that Marx himself would be proud of. One last thing, temperature controls the levels of C02 released, C02 levels do not drive temperature. The oceans absorb vast quantities of C02 and release vast quantities based on temperature. It’s a lot more complicated with many more important variables than man’s existence.