Originally Posted by heavywalker
I have seen this with several kids out of college at my company. Engineers, out of school and have a dream, cause they have been told they matter, they can make a difference, they will do great things etc...

These kids have this false sense of self worth. They have the illusion that they need to be fulfilled in their jobs and careers, that they need to love their job, do what they love or whatever other BS their heads are filled with.

Result is quitting after their false expectations of their career choice are not met.

Somewhere along the way people forget to mention that work often times sucks major ass, that starting out from nothing is miserable, that most people struggle through the early part of their career. We scrape by, we claw, we save, we go through hard times, then if we are lucky and we stick with it, things start to fall our way. We get that promotion, and we start to see that this job that was a source of misery is not, and after all these years, its a source of pride and fulfillment.

It takes some resolve and grit to get to the point in these kids careers that they want to be when they start out, and they are giving up within a few years.

A engineer buddy of mine with nearly thirty years in has to deal with newbie engineers. He's said similar things in many conversations. There was a big stink at his work because one of the perks of long successful service was an assigned, numbered parking spot. It's nice to have a spot near your particular entrance when the building is over a mile long. The newbies protested about having to circle the lot trying to get a good spot. "It's not fair." "Why should they get a spot because they have seniority?" The typical waah waah I don't want to pay the dues crybaby stuff.