Well that is not as much their fault as it is the parents fault.

Their parents, and their parents parents were not willing to do the study and pay any attention to the foundations of history and righteousness. And so we have a largely self-centered generation who raised a largely self-centered generation, who then gave the USA a super self centered generation who work hardest at finding excuses.

And someone is surprised?

This is called Sowing and Reaping. And now with them wanting to be labeled as mentally ill, (for the "benefit" of free care and "no stress") it will be legal to disarm them, and to deny them voting rights in the future ----- as soon as their "leaders" figure they have served their purpose to augment the communist plan.

Sorry folks, but this fault is OURS not theirs.
Individual responsibility is the foundation of freedom.
"Group think" and victim mentality is the stand of slaves.

Pigs LOVE lots of free food that fattens them up. Their fatness is not a problem because nothing is required of them.........as long as they are alive. They never wonder why the food is free. They just expect it and scream when it's late. But one day there is no food, and that gives their guts a chance to empty. They scream loud and yet their masters do not feed them. They are given only water.
Then they are butchered.
And the masters get a good profit.

Socialism is nothing more then raising people as livestock, and manipulating them toward a purpose of profits and power of the "elite".
I say again: Individual responsibility is the foundation of freedom. "Group think" and victim mentality is the stand of slaves. And they do stand for it. Standing for freedom is just "too hard for them". Ask them and they will tell you so.

Last edited by szihn; 10/11/19.