Hatari and Calvin for the win!

People haven't changed significantly in a thousand years.

Repeat that in your head.

We are intrinsically lazy and selfish.
We like pleasure, we dislike discomfort.

Those suddenly surbuban and affluent parents in the mid century
spoiled you baby boomers. Suck that up Buttercup. They made
sure you finished high school, got educated. Way better start than they got.

I'm in a crack. 1969 birth year. My parents weren't boomers, a bit older.

Boomers, already spoiled, spoiled their kids even more.
Used to be, kids played sports, at home parents ask about the game.
Not Boomers and following parents. I'm taking a vacation day Monday
to drive 40 miles and watch a District tennis match.

Suck it up Butter cups, we as parents are to blame for the crops we raised.

As kids have moved off the farm, and not had to truly work,
things have slid.

My daughter is 16, plays sports and is in accelerated academic classes.
She has a job.
She got called in Tuesday immediately following an after school tennis match. They needed her, she went.

Very few of her compatriots work.
All have money, many have a car of their own.
The smart, affluent, high class kids are being taught to suck the titty bottle.

Ironic, but the Vo-tech, general studies, poor kids are the ones I see that
are working.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!