Originally Posted by R_H_Clark

What I am doing right now is carbs with no fats. I won't eat oils or even lean meats right now with my carbs. It is sort of an experiment,as has been this whole diet for the last 14 months.

When I eat meats though,I am not eating any carb rich foods even on the same day. I'm not saying this is necessary,just what I am doing now based on what I am learning.

First, congratulations, not many people can do what you did.

I am curious about the basis for not eating fats or meat at the same time you eat carbs, as you say above. I've always read and heard that it's good to eat protein with high glycemic carbs (like potatoes) to modulate the blood sugar spike and resulting insulin dump that can result from eating carbs alone.

Just curious about what yiour experiment is based on?

A wise man is frequently humbled.