Originally Posted by jackmountain
VA. Army national guard is comprised of +/- 7500 troops
State troopers have a total of +/- 2100 troopers and agents.

9600 total. I'm betting MINIMUM 1/2 of those are on our side. Leaving 4800 tops.

We had 3500-4000 pissed off people show up to the board of supervisors meeting Wednesday night to demand we be declared 2A sanctuary and a lot more stuck out on the highway unable to get in.

They couldn't come close to taking HALF of Rockingham co. alone, much less the state. Northam better think long and hard.... He wants a war he'll get one. I'd hate to have to guess how many rounds of ammo are stored in this county alone.

Walking in the meeting at Spotswood last week one of the local deputies i know was working the door. I leaned in and shook his hand and said we have y'all way outnumbered ( mostly joking at the time) . His reply was if it came to it he and most of the ones he had spoke with aren't enforcing anything. Guess we'll see.