Originally Posted by CashisKing
Originally Posted by steve4102

The president, as commander-in-chief of the armed forces, is the only person who can nationalize the Guard, but state governors have the latitude to use it to enforce state law, legal experts said.

“Until nationalized, it’s a creature of the state. So that’s what leads me to believe that, yes, the governor can activate the National Guard to enforce even a state law,” Gary Solis, a military law professor at Georgetown University, told the Washington Examiner.

Amy Swearer, a legal policy analyst who works on gun control issues, agreed that the governor has the right to use the Virginia National Guard to enforce the law, though it would break from past mobilizations.

IMHO... Trump would recall the NG from Coonman (Governor's nickname in College (Google it))... and in "typical Trump fashion" USE THEM TO GO ENFORCE FEDERAL LAW (might even go after Sanctuary Cities that harbor Illegal Immigrants)... assuming 2020 works our well for us... furthermore, I sincerely believe Trump may turn out to be the greatest President in American History (if we can keep him around for 8 years)... BTW, I drop Nancy Pelosi (and others) letters thanking her/them for ensuring just this... on a fairly regular basis.

2A stuff is HUGE in Virginia, but the other crap that is going to slip thru the cracks is equally bad.

There are MANY MANY proposed Bills that are just as Repugnant.

This new "Democratic Nirvana" is a LONG GAME to keep the Democrats in control of Virginia for a very long time. Elimination of Voter ID, Driver License and Welfare for anyone (legal or illegal), Census Fraud, Gerrymandering... Unlimited Free stuff on the back of a very prosperous Commonwealth (CURRENTLY PROSPEROUS, BUT NOT IN THE FUTURE).

IMHO fellas... GET SOBER and READ THEM ALL... https://lis.virginia.gov/cgi-bin/legp604.exe?201+lst+ALL

Four pages (+/- 260 Bills coming our way).

As for standing up for for 2A... Yes, I do... The 2A Sanctuary County movement is HUGE... and I am very involved... https://vcdl.org/events

I have also put up items for sale with proceeds going to VCDL or John Pierce (GREAT 2A Lawyer in Virginia). Read his stuff... https://johnpierceesq.com/

Want to save Virginia AND the United States (Virginia is the "test case" for EVERY OTHER RED STATE)... make donations to VCDL (they are 101% Trustworthy).

It is my sincere belief that Bloomberg's lawyers/staff wrote most (if not all) of the proposed 2020 bill facing us Virginians (and ULTIMATELY YOU!)

Please stand beside Virginia...

We never asked for this fight, but it is undeniably coming... and it's outcome... will surely be a precursor to yours.

If you are not actively engaging EVERY enemy you encounter... you are allowing another to fight for you... and that is cowardice... plain and simple.