Virginian’s are likely, if pushed by these Liberal fools, to show all what “America Classic” looks, feels, and tastes like.

This is a super test...Liberal State Legislators across the US are eyes on what will happen there.

Personally, like many, I’m sure it will play out through the courts, until it’s established once again these laws are not only overreach, but unconstitutional.

Why can’t there be common understanding by politicians and the general populace, that our Constitution is beyond reproach or change, unless done through amendments and court battling?

These same individuals take an oath of office, same for law enforcement and our military to uphold, defend, and protect our sacred Constitution...

Yet, some extreme left thinking individuals either elected or walking amongst us believe they have the power, ability, and right to determine what can be disregarded in our Constitution...Well, Fùck Them All.

Hashtag...”The shot heard around the world was fired in defense of all of “America Classic”


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”