Originally Posted by broomd
Originally Posted by 4winds
To this day, I can't believe anyone using a truck would make gas mileage their make or break priority! ALL trucks have schittty gas mileage.

The Tundra has a lot of great features where it counts for a truck and the damn thing will run.

Buy the goofy Tesla truck if you're that worried about your gas bill.

Same old ridiculous argument justifying piss-poor mileage just because 'it's a truck'...keep telling yourself that as you fill up.

All trucks have crappy mileage. There's no need to justify that! It's just the truth and it's not going to change until they come out with one that is all electric, works in the cold and runs for 1000+ miles. Which isn't coming anytime soon. It comes down to application and the physics behind it.

At a minimum a truck needs to haul/pull heavy schitt and keep running. Gas mileage isn't in that equation, anywhere!

Please don't quote the Dodge POS Italian built diesels, you might get the 1 out of 20,000 of them built that actually gets 30 miles/ gallon but the maintenance costs will have you begging for a 1987 Chevy Silverado that locks the lugs on the wheels. But hey, if it's in the shop all the time at least you won't be running much fuel through the tanks!

The rest are still in the 12-25 miles per gallon range and most of those don't come close to the advertised sticker on the window. All the fuel savings stuff has been shoved down our throats thanks to Obama's EPA mandates which is breeding the turbos and other complicated crap to meet the standards. It's embarrassing.

Like I mentioned above, I had a hybrid car that saved less than 5 miles/gallon over the regular 4 cylinder car to the tune of around 35 miles/gallon - NOT the 43 miles/gallon it was stickered for! And cost me 4500 in repair bills over 3 years - factor that cost in and you'll rush to less complicated vehicles as well. While we're at it, there isn't a truck anywhere that is going to beat a sedan for fuel savings and you're not going to notice a huge financial savings in most cases within 5mpg anyway.

IDGAF who the manufacturer is as long as it does what it's supposed to do without the headaches. I have owned all of them in trucks over the past 25 years, except for the Nissans, and for me the best one out there is the one that is paid off and doesn't fall apart shortly after! Brand loyalty doesn't mean schitt unless they're sending you a paycheck to preach their sales pitches to the masses. The rest is and should be predicated on a reputation earned, not because your grandaddy drove a GMC to vote democrat at the polls so you and everybody else should too!