Oh my...you CLUELESS Window Looking Droolers are a rather Tender lot. Pardon Facts and Physics,upsetting you so,as you fill out your latest Hurt Feelers Report. Hint. Congratulations?!?

You are simply missing a First Fhuqking Clue and an ability to connect a single fhuqking dot. I enjoy the fact that you are deeply mired in your own Stupidity and that you felt compelled to reiterate same. That was a nice touch! Hint. LAUGHING!

Having shot every chambering and boolit thus far cited(and a fhuqk ton that haven't),I'm rather at ease in extrapolations,of water that's flowed beneath the bridge. Secondly,I rather enjoy the humor associated with Fhuqktards and their STUPID fhuqking blueprints and then the "justifications" of same. 'Tis that oblivious humor,that's always the best and you certainly don't disappoint. Hint.

With a lineup of like length cases to choose from,it is never not funnier than fhuqk,when a Drooling Window Licker grabs the one which is farrrrrrrrr worse. The 250 Salvage will simply recoil more,drop more,drift more,arrive slower and be more expensive to shoot...which horns CLUELESS Droolers up apparently. Hint. LAUGHING!

I very MUCH enjoy,that your Stupidity is no "Act" and it's magnitude is appreciated. Hint. Laughing!

Bless your heart for trying soooooooooo hard.



Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."