Guys, you are looking at this totally wrong. I will attempt to paint a picture here, with words, where you can see and understand the dire situation the legs of commerce are in.

You guys are looking for low valuations in a normal working environment (no legs of the 4 leg stool are broke), when “all 4 legs of commerce are functioning”, while you ignore the fact that all 4 legs of the stool are broke presently.

Truth is, every leg of commerce has a compound fracture presently.

Four legged stool of commerce:

1st leg – Retail customer
2nd leg – Storefront
3rd leg – Wholesaler
4th leg – Manufacturer (China-TREASONOUS)

The retail customers are losing their jobs, and some will be staring at BK.

The storefronts have been forced closed, and are staring at BK, and never to re-open.

The wholesalers are being forced close from ZERO inventory turnover, and ZERO orders, because the 1ST and 2ND legs are dead in the water, and they too are looking at BK, and never to re-open.

The manufacturers are being forced close in the USA from ZERO inventory turnover, and ZERO orders, and the ones in CHINA will have no orders, because the 1ST and 2ND and 3RD legs are dead in the water, and the manufacturers, too, are looking at BK, and who knows if they re-open.

In the above picture, how can anyone tell them self, that situation has the ability to produce profit, much less any revenue at all? BK ZEROS out your stock certificate FIRST.

A 30 day shutdown will BK over 50% of small businesses. Poof, gone forever.

And “if” “any of the lower 3 legs: 2,3,4, go to the government trough, that debt will hinder their ability to turn the correct margins in the future, to allow growth, and hire back unemployed workers.

It truly is “that” bad, and I cannot believe it hasn’t cascaded down yet, with the facts above known by everyone in business, and the financial markets.

And when it comes to the edge of the cliff, and falls over, it will not be pretty….at all.

You are looking at a picture of Financial Armageddon above. The artist just hasn’t put his name on it……yet.

If it were me, I would get out before you don’t have anything at all to survive with, through this Dark Age we are facing. It is truly uncharted waters for all 4 legs being destroyed.

I got out on the 17TH, when my position jumped back up 10%, because I know the above picture as facts, and so do YOU GUYS…now. You don’t fix that kind of destruction “overnight”, and that is why I finally bailed, because “numbers” do not lie. Math is math, and the numbers will not be making the math look good for a long time.

Quick analogy for you:

You have a 3 foot stick of pipe in your hand with flowing water. In one end, and out the other. The water represents commerce taking place. When the government screwed a cap on the end where water was coming out (Store front), what did that do to the “whole” chain of commerce?

It shut it completely down, right?

And now the government has screwed a cap on the other end, with a nipple, and they have attached an air hose, and are BLOWING MONEY into the pipe, as fast as they can, with no where for it to go (capped at both ends now-thus creating artificial commerce), because everything is at a dead stand still.

When the pipe gets to bursting pressure, what will your money be worth when it blows?

The bell just rang for class to end, and when the bell rings the markets open today, what will you do, now that you have a better picture?

I know business. I’m an ex C-Level executive, and have many C-Level friends who highly regard my business acumen. Hopefully I just proved it for you guys with the above.

Good luck guys, and may God watch over you, and your families.

Copyright © 2020 ElkSlayer91 All Rights Reserved.

Last edited by ElkSlayer91; 03/19/20.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)