Originally Posted by EdM
I have zero issue with what you wrote but I do expect and see my investments to grow. The CEO's are working for the investor just as they should be.

Likewise... my money mangers keep me apprised of "special opportunities".

The DOWNSIDE however... is that 4 of the 6 local restaurants here in rural Virginia (on the Bay) are only open 3 days per week... because they can't get help. (People bug out for "city jobs"?)

Sure they could pay Molly $45 an hour to waitress... but then my crab cake platter would be $75, not $25.

We had 3 hardware stores... now we are down to 2... and in 6 months... ONLY one.

This implosion cannot be stopped.

I hear tell land in Idaho is now $10k an acre... Ten years ago it was about a 1/3 of that?

If you are not actively engaging EVERY enemy you encounter... you are allowing another to fight for you... and that is cowardice... plain and simple.