Good stuff. Folks I appreciate Everyone’s opinion and input here. Interesting discussion and I view all to have merit and respect all who have replied. Appreciate all on the site to try keeping things civil and not attacking others. Sorry but I see no reason why peace cannot be had by all. I understand some are invested all in and stressed.

I firmly believe this virus will be dealt with and sooner than later. Hope I’m right. I may be wrong. I can see worst case that a scenario like Elk91 playing out. If the virus lingers and half our country shut down to control it, no doubt the downturn in our market and the economy will linger. That said currently people are talking right now that discussions may be underway to dial things back. Opening up some of the economy depending on specific locations infection numbers.

Time will tell. We all want a healthy strong economy and stock market. I’m confident time will sort this out. Perhaps much better and sooner than some historic times like the Great Depression. Emotions have understandably gone high but also may have overshot what the future will show how this plays out. Again may. Perhaps not. We will see. Thanks everyone for participating. Let’s all be nice to everyone. Thanks.

Last edited by 65BR; 03/23/20.