Originally Posted by deflave
I have a theory that if you could maintain good job opportunities near any ghetto or slum you would see criminal activity diminish.

This has been proven with even the filthiest of races such as Greeks, Italians, Irish, and Cubans.

Black Americans do have one convincing piece of the “we are different” argument however. Segregation continued for a long, long time in the southern portion of the US.

I would give you no more than 25 to 50% truth, per generation.

Shaniquuefa who has six brats by seven different fathers, uses any kind of available dope, is illiterate and has never worked, or seen someone work, simply has nothing to offer any non-governmental employer.

You’d have put those type of people through a military style boot camp to restart their basic morality. And that might just be “difficult” to sell, politically.

Sic Semper Tyrannis