Originally Posted by jackmountain
Originally Posted by deflave
I have a theory that if you could maintain good job opportunities near any ghetto or slum you would see criminal activity diminish.

This has been proven with even the filthiest of races such as Greeks, Italians, Irish, and Cubans.

Black Americans do have one convincing piece of the “we are different” argument however. Segregation continued for a long, long time in the southern portion of the US.

I did a pretty large job renovating govt housing a few years back. The head of the housing authority had this theory that if you gave the deadbeats something nice they'd be more apt to take care of it. We put the best of everything in those units. The first one we did, 6 weeks later we came back. They'd kicked out the new tenants, and they'd destroyed the place. Pitbull dug holes through new flooring, doors ripped off high-end cabinets, light fixtures pulled out of the ceiling, doors with fist holes punched through them etc....
Got to charge them another $30,000.00 to return it....again .
Second one, 10 weeks later, they busted a meth lab in one one of the new units. Had to be gutted and returned....again. $30,000.00.
That guys theory made me some good $$ and gave me a lot of laughs.

Opportunity is not what is lacking. America is full of opportunity. Its the easy accessibility to long term social assistance. Quit subsidizing bad behavior, behavior will change.

Hahahahahaahha you dont see where you assumed it was black people? Bwhahahaahahaha that is in the point of the entire thing...

PS - was this in western VA? Please tell it was so I can really laugh... the mean streets of BLACKSburg? Come on man... wake the fug up, you live in gods country...