So if the deadbeat that was killed while resisting arrest and pointing the officers taser at the cops Had been white? What would be the reaction of the black community, or lets ask for the reaction of black and white? My guess is we would all, accept Darwin's law had simply occurred again and move on. Yet this unfortunate individual that was being an Idiot at the time was black. He went from being an idiot to endangering the lives of others the police for sure. Then we see the rioters rear their ugly response. Then the outcome progresses in a worst case scenario, the community allows the double standard responce to carry on.

So of the people in the comunity who do not like how this unfortunate situation played out I have a question for you. While I fear the answer I'll still present the question. What would you do different? What have you done to be part of the community's solution. Explain to me how your plan will consistently yield a more preferred result. Now step up and if we can agree your plan may have a realistic element of merit. Let's work together to carry out a better plan that will benefit the community short and long term.

The situation is not going to fix itself. If you want a diffrent result then the community may need to start doing a few, and eventually a lot of things diffrently.

If you are not going to be part of the solution then shut your trap stay of the streets. I think we all would like to see reduced or better yet nonexistent poverty in all community's. Would like to believe that most if not all of us may agree that getting away from substance abuse for everyone across the board would be in the community's best interest. I for one say let's start there.

Now as for destroying local businesses I feel we can agree that unless you are shutting down an illegal drug house, destroying businesses is not improving your neighborhood. Perhaps we may stop the response of destroying property when we do not like the end result of a negative snowballing situation in the community.

Now what has sustainably worked in a favorable fashion in other communities? What has not worked? My question for the people who feel the need to protest is; How do you wish to move forward? I ask this question with one stipulation, The primary responsibility for correcting the issues in the community will come from within. Think we may agree we may find much more positive ways to put our energy to work, though this will require a great deal of cooperation from those within the community and perhaps some cooperation from outside the communities as well. Lets open our eyes, pray for guidance and move forward as opposed to backwards!

love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control

& Proverbs 21:19