I'm so sorry. That brought me to tears to read.

My 8 year old son, my oldest, has recently started saying he feels sad and nervous and acts out and threatens to end it when he's really upset. Most days he's happy and doing great but we got him right into counseling.

He's supper smart and very high IQ and it turns out this social isolation the last few months is really bothering him. He's also incredibly worried about the virus and political stuff going on. He picks up bits when I'm watching the news but doesn't know how to express it. I've been letting him help me do emergency planning and we've allowed him to watch YouTube about how the immune system works. I'm hoping feeling prepared and understanding how small the threats are will reduce his stress. It seems to be helping but I'm concerned he's showing some signs of depression so early.

Depression is such a scary and dangerous thing. So hard to understand from a non depressed angle. Bullying is also incredibly hard to take as a parent. We've dealt with some of that too.

I will be praying for you and your family. The only thing I can say is that I know families are eternal and I know he's with a loving God now and you will see him again.
