Almost all of us here grew up in a time with no computers, no cell phones, no Internet, no video games, no social media and maybe had 3 channels of TV if you were lucky. We had to rely on basic human interaction, hard work, personal responsibility, respect and civility to pretty much achieve success in life. Our brains and core values developed under those conditions. Now we have all this technology but are brains are still significantly wired based on how we developed.

Unfortunately, the last couple generations grew up surrounded by all this technology and electronic input into their brains. Our input was from parents, teachers, coaches, preachers etc. Most of their input is from social media, Hollywood, a corrupt education system etc. The wrong people are controlling a significant amount of the messages going into their developing minds. And much of that messaging is approved propaganda of some very evil political scum with an agenda.

I talk smack sometimes online but the lack of civility is truly astonishing. People type things that come from the darkest parts of the human reptilian brain, that they would never ever say to a man's face. All from the comfort of a chair behind a keyboard and mouse. Think of some of the most disgusting things you've seen online and remember that today's kids have been around that most of their lives. Even if parents try to just let kids grow up and filter most of the garbage, there's still cell phones or their friend's cell phones.

We have the experience and ability to dive in the online swamp and know what's complete garbage because we've seen otherwise. Most kids are living in the matrix, fabricated by professional manipulators and they don't even know it. The value of hard work, respect, civility, critical thinking, and self worth are sadly lost to many today.

Progressives are the most open minded, tolerant, and inclusive people on the planet, as long as you agree with everything they say, and do exactly as you're told.