Originally Posted by szihn
Jesus told us :

"For the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light.”

Evil workers love to outsmart those that don't want to play the game of power-grabbing. The very sin nature of mankind is to "be god" and those that love power make it their jobs, their hobbies and their passions to grab control over their fellow man. All men have a sin nature, but those that actively feed the "god complex' are the ones that love to control others. Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.

We see cops getting shot and harassed now all over the USA. I have a theory and I believe if I am not spot-on, I am at the very least very close and I am trying to expose the policies of the Dem/Comms or perhaps just a parallel to them, but I do believe I am correct in the basis of my observations.

Cops are taught in P.O.S.T. academies all over the USA that lying to people is fine as long as you are "involved in an investigation". By the spirit of the law I can see some logic here, but in fact and practice, what that means is that cops can "create crimes" if they choose to, and they can "investigate" crimes that do not yet exist, and it's 'legal' --- but not actually lawful. The article posted above is one of many millions of examples, some worse and some less.

The good men and women in uniform will not do so, but such 'laws' make it very easy for the bad ones to do as they wish. And in 99 times out of 100, the goods ones don't see it's worth their time to make the bad one tow a righteous line, considering how the legislatures and federal government has stacked the deck in favor of the bad cops.

Just one of many hundreds of examples of evil people outsmarting honest people is all around us today and took the form of what they call education. Jesus warned us all.

Cops are told to go enforce dictatorial policies which are NOT LAW, (and CAN'T be Constitutional, even if corrupt politicians were to pass them) about wearing masks. Just one of many violations. Why? Government doesn't want cops and citizens to be "on the same side". That is just one of many hundreds of thousands of examples of cops extorting money for actions and inaction of citizens who are doing no harm, committing no crime, causing no one else any problems, infringing on no one else's rights, but are "violating policies" and the only "crime" disagreeing with corrupted politicians and not conforming to the whim of the new "god" in office.

Well the following is my observation:

Cops are being told to go be 'bad men" in the eyes of the public, and bully anyone who goes against the narrative of the evil politicians, and the cops, for the most part, do so gladly. They like the power, and "enforcing non-laws" is safer then actually fighting real criminals. The real reason is to cause no confidence in law enforcement from the population as a whole. And it's working! It's working because cops are not thinking but are just obeying what they are told, and never spending a minute to study history and see what happens 100% of time in such patterns. Look up sonderkommando as one of many examples throughout recorded history. Do you think the top communists are going to ask you to be members of their family as soon as you do all their bidding, and you'll live happily ever after?

As we saw in the shooting of the 2 deputies in Compton, we are hearing a LOT of cheers from non-involved citizens. Some are obviously evil ---- like those provocateurs in BLM and ANTIFA, but many cheers from ordinary citizens who feel no sympathy for the professional men and women in uniform, who 1 second before they were shot would have been 100% willing and even desirous to inflict unconstitutional bulling on innocent citizens, and have no knowledge of the history that led to the writing of the very Constitution they swore an oath to uphold and defend against domestic enemies.

I find such approval sicking, but I can't say I didn't see it coming, and that I didn't try to warn cops all over the USA for over 25 years what they were doing to public opinion by their actions. Having a feeling of power is fun for them until they see the power diminish and the rules change. it would not be a problem if the public was to be treated as a population to support rather then to rule. History is a great teacher, but proud and arrogant students cant and won't learn from it.

So back to the point above: ask yourself, what is an domestic enemy? Can it be anything other then a corrupt politician or an agent of a corrupt politician?

If so, please share. I'll wait.

So we hear BLM and ANTIFA calling for death to all cops and we focus on the outlandish calls from BLM and ANTIFA (as we are manipulated to do) , but in my opinion, they are just the decoys. The REAL problem is the politicians who lie to the cops and tell them being a bully is fine. They tell them they can lie to the people, and tell them to "take charge" (which is easily interpreted double speak for being a bully, instead of keeping in mine that they are SERVANTS, NOT MASTERS.) and then tell them to do nothing as long as the break-down and criminal activity is benefiting the communist take-over of the USA. But arrest anyone not wearing a 100% ineffective mask..................don't let that "danger" get past you! An uncovered face......well that is so much more dangerous to the people then open murder, arson, rape, looting, vandalism or destruction of infrastructure and cops do as they are told.

So what is the answer? Easy! It's the Constitution and specifically the Bill of Rights.

If you are told to arrest folks for non-crimes, not only do you refuse, but you should arrest anyone giving such an order for the high crime of constructive treason, breach of oath, operation under color of law, sedition----- and probably 10 other crimes that are already on the books, but which you were specifically NOT TAUGHT ABOUT in the P.O.S.T. academies.

Start to do your own thinking and your own research. Be a man and stand up for what's right, even when someone who gets paid more tells you not to.

There are many coalitions all over the nation fighting for the cause of liberty and the literal reading and enforcement of the Constitution for the united States. Ask them to help you. Read and understand the Constitution and WHY it was written. Learn it's history! Read the Bill of rights! Read it and re-read it, and DO NOT ASK any member of the Judiciary or BAR Association what to do or what it means. DO YOUR OWN Research ---and remember the lawyers are not in your branch of government. The executive branch is co-EQUAL not subservient to the Legislature or the Judiciary.

You are taught that such adherents to the Constitution are 'terrorists' by liars and yet you believe them? That is just one of the lies you are told. You see, the very same laws that say you can lie to the citizens are the ones that say your legislature can lie to you. And THEY DO!!!!

If you like action and the trill of enforcing law please do so, with all the good citizens blessings, but understand the highest crime that can be committed in the U.S. is not murder, rape, arson or robbery (even though we have seen cops ignore these crimes a LOT lately, because of the dictates of traitors in office which cops gleefully obey) The highest crime and the first crime you swore to oppose is TREASON, and it's all around you! Start arresting those that commit that crime, and next, arrest those that tell you to stop, as accessories to the crime of treason.

Go re-read your oath and then re-read the Bill of Rights-----about 20 times.

Just as a side note: It takes the average 10th grader 12 minutes to read the whole Bill of Rights, so PLEASE do not say it's "too big" or "too deep" for you to understand. If it is, you are not worthy of the title of dog-catcher---- let alone the title of Police Officer or Sheriff's Deputy. 12 minutes, even re-read times 20 is still only a 4 hour investment into the future of your country and the security of your own kids, as well as your own future as a citizen in a free country. And having an untrue belief about what the Bill of Rights means is worse then having no knowledge of it at all. How would you get a flawed understanding? By believing liars! DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH!!!

Quite being revenuers and "mask gestapo" and start being the heroes and the icons of truth and justice you should be! Public support will then be yours again. It should be, not because you are a cop, but because you are a VERY GOOD COP!

But keep being bullies for corrupt politicians and you will keep going into the abyss you yourselves are making. Think not? Ask why cities are burned and businesses are looted IN FRONT OF COPS if I am wrong. The reason is the cops do what the traitors tell them, with total disregard to the oath of alliance to the Constitution and put paychecks in a place of higher importance.

Politicians and judges DO NOT EVER institute politics on a nation directly. They don't arrest anyone or use force at all. That's YOUR "job" to do that --------and ONLY YOU!!!!!!

So start upholding and defending the Constitution as your #1 job and you will find much of the rest of the job falls right into line, and it will become a LOT safer, be a lot more respected, and you cops will be the thin blue line you should be, instead of just being pawns for politicians who lie to you, to us and to everyone, but use YOU to be their muscle, as their "useful idiots". "Who is the larger fool? the 1st fool or the fools that obey him".

You cease to be that idiot when you start to enforce laws against sedition and treason, which you are sworn to do! Yes you can, and you should arrest those that give unconstitutional orders as part of your SWORN duty!

If you don't you will see more of what you are seeing now, and it's not ANTIFA and BLM who are going to bring you and the USA down. Lack of respect fro the police from the normal citizens is part of the communist plan going back to the early 50s. And 100% of that lack of respect is due totally and completely to cops lack of understanding of the Bill of Rights and the laws against sedition and treason. BLM and ANTIFA are the decoys, but the plan is working as written and you cops are the core reason it is working because you have not been taught history of the law and the reasons for the Bill of rights in detail.

Get educated! Start NOW!

And listen to those that have a passion for the Constitution. Stop believing those that tell you about "fanatics" who believe in the Constitution and do your own thinking. YOU are supposed to be fanatics in that cause and you were even obligated to swear an oath to that effect just to get the job.

Start doing it! I know a few cops that have, and every one of them has won when they were ordered to stop. One is someone many of you have probably heard of, Sheriff Richard Mack.

Quit being the enemies of the "children of Light" that Jesus spoke about, or a useful tool for the evil people who would tear this nation apart. It's not them doing the tearing. It's YOU! 100% of political oppression and treason is actually done by cops, never by politicians or judges. They say.........You do! They only talk and write. You DO! So DON'T!

Do the opposite. Be our heroes! Give the citizens a good reason to revere you and respect you! That's the job!
Lenin wrote about the "useful Idiots"! DON'T BE ONE!!!!!!

In the book of Hosea God said to the Profit; "My people are destroyed for lack of Knowledge, and because you turn your back on knowledge I will turn my back on you".

Be out heroes, and may the Holy God protect you and guide you all, and I pray He will oppose any that advance evil for money and pride.

it is totally utterly impossible to argue with the truth and logic in this post. anyone that does has brain damage or is a traitor to what this country was founded on