Originally Posted by dodge268
nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.
How would you read this? Seems pretty clear to me.

The laws are not the police, just so you know. That clause mandates lawful and impartial action by the courts in applying the laws to each case in a consistent manner. It has nothing to do with cops being bodyguards for society at large.

You've been a cop for some time, you say. How many murders, burglaries, and wife beatings have you prevented? Versus showing up after the fact.

I have a good friend who became a cop for a while. He asked me before he took the job if it would hurt our friendship. Told him not as long as he did it right. He did. And he is no longer a cop. It is my considered opinion gained from talking to both current and former cops, that an honorable man has a very hard time being a cop these days. Most places, it's impossible.

Last edited by OldGrayWolf; 09/17/20.