
I don’t mean to take this thread in an untoward direction..... but, this post prompts a question that I have pondered on for quite awhile.

I have some experience dealing with mentally ill people. The questions came to me....”Can a mentally ill person come to a saving knowledge of Jesus or could that mentally ill person even already be born again.”

So, I asked the questions of a man more smarter than me and he got a little bit annoyed at my ignorance and said something like this:

“The answer to both your questions is an unequivocal yes. The brain is simply an organ in the body and it can become sick like any other organ. But, the Holy Spirit can blast right through that illness and deal directly with a man’s inner being. Further, of course a man could be born again and later develop brain illnesses.....that illness has no impact on his eternal destiny.”

I concluded that he was correct and I have never looked at mentally ill people the same since.[/quote]

One of my dearest friends had a brother born with downs syndrome. He died at the age of 57 a couple of years ago. He was raised in a christian home and everyone that was around him knew he was the real deal when it came to being ready for Heaven. He seemed to sense things in other people that most didn't. I trusted him as much as any human I ever knew. So yes a mentally ill person can be saved. I truly believe Gleny was.