We used to can deer, beef too.

I got sick one night after we had it for supper,no one else did so it wasn't what we ate,
And really don't like it anymore.

Anyway, I agree with Colorado it is the one time that trimming silverskin and fat isn't
a big deal. The tough gets tender, skim the fat when you open.

We just use canning salt.
Why use bullion to make it taste different?
People add all kind of stuff, and that's fine it's theirs.

For us, this wasn't 7 jars to say we did it. It was our food for the year.
Keep it simple, and then you can use it anywhere.
Add broth, make gravy, serve over potatoes or rice.
Use it in a sauce for pasta.
Just flour the pieces and fry it. (Great sandwiches with ketchup and onion)
All the juice, bullion and water if necessary, add egg noodles. (Mom's version of takeout)

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!