Originally Posted by scoony
Originally Posted by Colorado1135
Originally Posted by Rock Chuck
if you have an electric coil or gas stove you're good. if it's a glass top it won't work.
A glass top stove works just fine. We've done a bunch of them on one.

I've never owned one but everywhere I've read and heard they don't work because of the way the elements heat and they don't stay consistent. good to know they can work. I stand corrected.

I can deer meat as well a other stuff on a glass top stove. Not sure where you all are getting your info. Works fine for me.

I only put a pinch of canning salt in the jar, then jam pack raw venison into the jar getting rid of all air bubbles. Pack them as tight as I can leaving room at the top. Pressure can per instructions. The pressure cooking brings out more intense flavors then other cooking methods so just a touch of salt is all thats really needed.

My favorite way to prepare canned venison is to use one of these packets.


Plus some water as the packet will thicken it up quite a bit and add some frozen peas.

there are lots of articles online of why you shouldn't can on a glasstop stove, it's not something we just pulled out of our asses. if it works for you, great. no reason to keep beating that horse. it is often recommended against though for several reasons.

Beware of any old man in a profession where one usually dies young.

Calm seas don't make sailors.